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We are high-quality packaging products provider.
We have always been working hard to provide the best in reward to our customers’ trust.
Let’s the products do the talking


1. 瑞士洛桑Xpose! 160熱敏型CTP出板機
     Swiss Luscher Xpose! 160 CTP Machine
2. 高寶利必達142六色印刷機
    6-colour KBA RAPIDA 142
3. 三菱四色印刷機
    4-colour Mitsubishi Daiya
4. 高寶利必達104五色印刷機
    5-colour KBA RAPIDA 104
5. CTP沖板機
    CTP screen washer

1. 阿瑞斯托數字化切割機
ARISTO digital cutter
2. 局部UV機
Spot UV machine
3. 全自動平板模切機
Automatic flatbed die cutter
4. 品控測試房
QC testing lab
5. 粘盒部
Box gluing
6. 品控全檢區
QA area


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